In Love with Death

Join author and philanthropist Satish Modi as he talks about his book, In Love with Death, at the Just Festival in Edinburgh on Saturday 16 August. Now in its fourteenth year, Just is one of Edinburgh’s most exciting and diverse festivals. The festival explores equality and diversity through a range of top-quality speakers, performances, films, food, exhibitions and workshops.

Satish Modi with his book In Love With Death
Satish Modi with his book In Love With Death

In Love with Death is a book that explores our lifelong relationship with death. It delves into the ways through which we can use an awareness of death to shape our lives in a positive and meaningful direction. Satish Modi’s aim is to help people overcome their fear of dying and enable them to explore death positively, in the hope that this might motivate them to fill their lives with goodness, love and compassion.

Described as the ‘son of the founder of modern industrial India’, through the course of his privileged life Satish Modi realised that happiness did not lie in the material world. This knowledge spurred him into the humble pursuit for greater meaning in life. His book, In Love with Death, is a direct result of this journey.

Modi writes in a gentle manner, with a tone that invites a careful consideration of life and all its wonder. His book explores the difficulties and trappings of life and delves into topics such as trust, money, music, grief and time. Modi writes with the wisdom of experience and of a life well-lived. He gives the reader a calm quiet space from within which we can consider life and death and the myriad possibilities we have for marking our existence with positivity.

Event – 16th August

Time – 12 pm to 1pm

Location – The Church at St John’s

Edinburgh EH2 4BJ