‘David prefered over Ed’


David Milliband1Labour could be on course to an easy win in next year’s general election if it had elected David Miliband leader rather than his brother Ed, a new survey has suggested.

More voters believe the elder Miliband would make a good prime minister than Ed, who beat him in the race for the Labour leadership in 2010, according to the poll reported Huffington Post.

The poll also suggested that a majority of voters think that the Labour leader would fail to deliver in power on a range of issues, including flagship policies like keeping energy prices down and tackling the cost of living.

After his defeat for the leadership, David Miliband was tipped for a return to frontline politics until he resigned as an MP and relocated to live in America.

While Labour has consistently led the Conservatives in the polls over recent years, public perceptions of its leader are far more negative than those of David Cameron, prompting concerns among supporters that Ed Miliband may drag his party’s vote down in 2015.

A YouGov survey for Prospect magazine found Ed Miliband trailing Cameron by 23% to 33% on the best prime minister question.

But when voters were asked who would be the best PM if Labour had instead chosen his elder brother as leader, the result was reversed, with David Miliband besting Cameron by 35% to 23%.

YouGov president Peter Kellner said: “Would a David Miliband-led Labour Party be heading for victory next year, rather than the close contest that seems likely? Very possibly, but we can’t be sure…

“Had he won back in 2010, he would have had to grapple with many of the same problems as Ed: reviving Labour’s reputation for economic competence, navigating the tricky politics of recession and recovery, and holding together a Labour Party that has historically been fractious after losing power. We can’t be certain how well he would have done.

“The real point is that this finding indicates how disappointed many voters are in Ed’s performance. Millions remain unconvinced by the coalition’s record and would like to back a Labour leader, but don’t think Ed is a match for Cameron.”Downing Street