Cameron to unveil final list today

British Prime Minister David Cameron is due to complete the final appointments in his biggest ministerial reshuffle later ahead of questions from MPs in the Commons, BBC reported.

Prime Minister David Cameron speaks after unveiling the  portrait of  Baroness Thatcher at Saïd Business School in Oxford
Prime Minister David Cameron speaks after unveiling the portrait of Baroness Thatcher at Saïd Business School in Oxford

The prime minister made sweeping changes to his front bench, replacing Education Secretary Michael Gove and Foreign Secretary William Hague. Some junior posts are yet to be filled.

Mr Cameron will fly to Brussels for a European summit following the last Prime Minister’s Questions before the Commons’ summer break. As his new-look cabinet starts work, Mr Cameron will join EU leaders to discuss the allocation of jobs in the new European Commission.

Lord Hill, who until the reshuffle was the Conservative leader in the House of Lords, is the government’s nomination as the UK’s commissioner.

Mr Cameron is expected to push for the peer to be given one of the key economic portfolios.