Bradford MP David Ward’s Palestine Petition hits 23,000 Signatures. If the petition reaches over 100,000 signatures then this will almost certainly guarantee that a debate will be held in the House of Commons on the petition.

Bradford MP, David Ward’s Petition calling on the British government to take strong action against the Israeli Government has quickly passed 23,000 signatures, showing the strength of feeling across the country against the continued killing of women and children in Gaza.
Launched on Thursday 24th July, David’s Palestine Petition has in only 5 days accumulated 23,000 signatures. This is by far the largest petition organised by David Ward with 95% of signatories coming from the UK.
David’s petition has received a large number of signatures from Bradford and from all parts of the country. David is urging people to sign the petition and share it with friends and contacts through twitter and facebook.
The petition states: I/we the undersigned urge the British Government to call for an immediate end to Israeli military operations which endanger civilians in Gaza and which are effectively a collective punishment of the Palestinian people. Furthermore we believe that the British Government should inform Israel that unless it ends its campaign of violence against the civilian population then Britain will consider the contribution that a policy of boycott, divestment and sanctions could play in bringing an end to the long standing conflict between the State of Israel and Palestinians.
If the petition reaches over 100,000 signatures then this will almost certainly guarantee that a debate will be held in the House of Commons on the petition.
Commenting David Ward MP said: “The response from all across the country just shows you the strength of feeling that is out there, that the Palestinian people are being indiscriminately targeted by the Israeli Military, causing the deaths of over 1,000 people with a horrible percentage of children being killed and mutilated. “Whilst Israel has a right to defend itself, it does not have a right to do this unilaterally outside of international law and without thought to the suffering that these actions are having on the people of Gaza.
“It’s about time that the international community stood up for the people of Gaza, saying enough is enough and should the indiscriminate killings continue then direct action like boycotts and sanctions need to be seriously considered.”
You can sign David’s Petition at: