Pakistani political organisation Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) has condemned the plight of Rohingya Muslims and demanded that Muslim countries severe diplomatic relations with Myanmar in protest, a media report said.
Addressing a protest rally in Islamabad on Sunday, JI chief Sirajul Haq urged Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to convene an Islamist summit to come up with a common strategy for the protection of Muslims all over the world, especially the Rohingyas, Dawn online reported.
He said that Muslims in Myanmar were suffering brutalities unparalleled in human history but the so-called civilised society and human rights’ watchdogs were silent.
“Those who raise a hue and cry over animal rights are blind to the burning alive of Rohingya youth and the molestation of their women,” he said.
Hundreds of thousands of women and children have been killed like cattle, but there was no protest from any quarter. The UN and the OIC — Organisation of Islamic Cooperation — were least bothered about the bloodshed in Myanmar, he said.
He said it was unjust to stay silent in the face of such brutalities and it was time that the Pakistan government took a step forward.
Rohingya leader Abdullah Maruf and JI deputy chief Mian Muhammad Aslam also addressed the gathering.