Sharif promises peace


Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said Tuesday that he desired to take forward the peace process he had initiated with then Indian leader Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

Sharif told his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi at a meeting here that “I intend to pick up the threads of the Lahore peace declaration” of 1999.

He told the media that he had a “very good and constructive meeting” with Modi Tuesday. “It was held in a warm and cordial atmosphere.”

 Prime Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday raised concerns regarding terrorism at a “good and substantive” meeting he had with his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif.

Modi “underlined his concerns on terrorism and expressed the hope that Pakistan will abide by its commitment to not allow its territory or territories controlled by it to be used for terrorist activities against India”, Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh told the media.

Modi called for a speedy trial of the Pakistanis accused of masterminding the Mumbai terror attack in 2008.