‘Deal with NaMo cautiously’

Pakistan should not show “rage where it may not be due” while dealing with a new Narendra Modi-led government in India, a leading Pakistani newspaper said.

Nawaz Army“Modi’s rise to such power, decisive and non-controversial, will have a global impact but our region will have to deal with this new leader in our best national interest,” The News said in an editorial.

It said Pakistan should not succumb to pressure or compromise its interests but also not show “rage where it may not be due”.

The daily said that Modi’s election campaign “was a red alert for Pakistan”. But it said that as he neared the election victory, he softened the rhetoric “and was much more politically correct”. 

It said Modi’s last comment about Pakistan was: “We will deal with it as they deal with us, as we cannot change our neighbours.”

The editorial said: “That may be a welcome change but Pakistan will have to consider the massive impact of the BJP landslide. 

“If history is any guide, the last BJP win when (Prime Minister) Nawaz Sharif was in power produced some startlingly positive results for Pakistan with (Atal Bihari) Vajpayee coming to Lahore on a bus and … acknowledge that Pakistan was there to do business with. 

“Modi may not soften his stance that quickly, but Sharif has taken the right step by offering him the olive branch before the hawks sour the atmosphere. At the moment we have to wait for more vibes from New Delhi.”

Border Fire

 Pakistani troops resorted to “unprovoked firing” at Indian positions along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir, the military said Saturday.

The firing took place in Krishna Ghati sector in Poonch district Friday evening, defence ministry spokesman Col. Manish Mehta told IANS.

The Pakistani firing began at 7.35 p.m. “No damage or casualty has been reported on our side,” the official said.

“They used small arms and automatics. Our troops responded with equal calibre weapons,” Mehta said. 

Pakistan has repeatedly violated the 2003 India-Pakistan ceasefire in the region in the past one month.

Army and intelligence officials allege that Pakistani troops fire along the LoC to give cover to guerrillas trying to sneak into Jammu and Kashmir from Pakistan.