Go for it, Mr Modi, be the man they say you are and lead from the front. Don’t do a Kejriwal and betray the public trust for an agenda……c4c01fa85ea78b7653416e95dae36f63Bikram Vohra’s comment on India Elections and Modi victory

Anything critical said today goes against the moment of celebration. The BJP has swept the nation and deserves its day in the sun. Also, since most of India is largely and happily ignorant of what they have voted for there being scarcely any attention given the manifesto as against the volleys of viciousness there is nothing to criticise.

I have to admit I have a hazy idea at best of what each party stood for. All I heard was drivel about the communal card and more drivel about development which could mean anything and really has no parameters. Which politician has ever spoken otherwise. So when I hear the political pundits say that development is the pivot of the new regime I am clueless why they are saying it. Should that not be a given and nothing to get orgasmic about. 

Narendra Modi comes with a clean slate as of today. The chalk is in his hands and he will have to do the writing. The past is another place and we cannot keep going back there. Move on. 

The only two cautions one can give are bed-rocked in history. The first is from Napoleon’s grandson who said power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Tread lightly and treat success as an imposter.
The second is a little more practical. Surround yourself with giants, not sycophants, the Congress will tell you how dangerous it is to have kitchen cabinets and crooks in your bed, they are fleas.

Do not allow the second raters to be your voice or the rabble rousers to speak for you. India does not want to see tawdry, mealy mouthed ugly politicians spraying piety and looting the till.
Go for it, Mr Modi, be the man they say you are and lead from the front. Don’t do a Kejriwal and betray the public trust for an agenda.