Welcome to Harrow Mr Modi

There is no question in my mind that Britain and India should be very close partners on the international stage and should enjoy a special relationship. The premiership of Narendra Modi and the Conservatives in Government in the UK have very compatible outlooks with regard to encouraging private competition, cutting red tape for businesses and building a programme to secure a strong economy for everyone…writes Bob Blackman MP for Asian Lite, the Best newspaper for British Asians

I have the very great fortune of representing an area with a large number of people of Indian origin. The statistics show that Harrow East is the most ethnically diverse community in the UK and that we have a large concentration of people with ties to the Gujurati region in particular, where Narendra Modi served as chief minister.

Bob Blackaman joins with the Indian diaspora to celebrate Modi victory at Queensbury
Bob Blackaman joins with the Indian diaspora to celebrate Modi victory at Queensbury

I have the very great fortune of representing an area with a large number of people of Indian origin. The statistics show that Harrow East is the most ethnically diverse community in the UK and that we have a large concentration of people with ties to the Gujurati region in particular, where Narendra Modi served as chief minister.

There is no question in my mind that Britain and India should be very close partners on the international stage and should enjoy a special relationship. The premiership of Narendra Modi and the Conservatives in Government in the UK have very compatible outlooks with regard to encouraging private competition, cutting red tape for businesses and building a programme to secure a strong economy for everyone.

There is no question in my mind that Britain and India should be very close partners on the international stage and should enjoy a special relationship. The premiership of Narendra Modi and the Conservatives in Government in the UK have very compatible outlooks with regard to encouraging private competition, cutting red tape for businesses and building a programme to secure a strong economy for everyone.

Bob Blackaman with Prime Minister David Cameron at Neasden temple
Bob Blackaman with Prime Minister David Cameron at Neasden temple

I recall the scenes of great joy which broke out across my constituency of Harrow East when Modi was elected in a landslide victory. I took part in celebrations all over the area as I too had been praying for Narendra Modi to be given the opportunity to carry out his important programmes for change in India and so that a stronger tie can be forged between our two nations.

The British Indian community contribute immensely to the UK economy, culture and way of life. It is the most law-abiding; believes in working rather than relying on welfare; understands that education of young people is key to success; and the extended family as a support network. In other words, the British Indian community is naturally aspirational and Conservative.

Narendra Modi transformed Gujarat into the economic powerhouse of India; now he can transform India into the economic powerhouse of Asia. Under Modi’s inspirational leadership India will become a true superpower. I look forward to meeting him when he visits the UK and I hope that he will find time in his schedule to visit Harrow.

(Bob Blackman is the Conservative MP from Harrow East. Please send your comment to newsdesk@asianlite.asianlite.uk)

Bob Blackaman joins with the Indian diaspora to celebrate Modi victory at Queensbury
Bob Blackaman joins with the Indian diaspora to celebrate Modi victory at Queensbury