Being in the political wilderness after her resignation over Gaza, Baroness Warsi has come back with another riposte to the current political incumbents.
This was achieved by the back door having worked as a advisor to the current Prime Minister David Cameron on his leadership campaign and as an advisor to his predecessor Michael Howard, she was rewarded with a peerage by the Tory party in 2007.
Three years later after the general election she was rewarded with a seat in the cabinet, becoming the first female Muslim to do so. Highly commendable most would be of the opinion of.
However since that appointment and her subsequent resignation she was more a boon to the party than anything else and the majority of the party was happy to see the back of her. Breaching ministerial codes, expense irregularities and at odds with the party line she resigned in her demoted role as the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Faith Groups last August citing the government’s “morally indefensible” policy on Gaza.
In her resignation letter she felt due to the party’s stance on the unequivocal support of Israel risked radicalising young Muslims and it was something she felt she was unable to reconcile.
In this attack the former Conservative Chairman has accused the government of viewing Britain’s Muslim community with suspicion
and also criticised what she described as a policy of non-engagement with Britain’s three million Muslims, leading to a lack of trust.
The question is why wait now to share her frustrations over the governments’ domestic approach to extremism? She believes she informed David Cameron of her misgivings on their policy stating it being a “dangerously narrow engagement… a dozen people for a community of over 3 million”. but obviously had no sway on the matter whatsoever despite being given a position where she should be exerting it.
The main thing to remember is Ms Warsi did not resign because of whatever she is saying now and had she had all these anxieties she should have brought them to the fore last August and maybe the home situation could have been changed. However at that juncture she made no mention that she was at odds with anything that was going on domestically and no mention of this was made in her resignation letter.
But she seems to conveniently mention this now maybe due to her position within the party at this time. Just in case they have forgotten a timely reminder she is still around to stick the boot in and how she told them so.
For people like myself reading what Ms Warsi says now are merely hollow words and a case of too little too late.