Waiting for Wassabi!

If the Boko Haram wants to kidnap little girls, the Taliban blow up a village and some mentally deranged idiot shoot up a Mall, that’s life. But to make Kanye West and Kim Kardashian wait 30 minutes for a sushi table in Calabasas, California is just not acceptable. The world is going to hell in a basket when this sort of social injustice occurs. No wonder it is front page headlines in the media…writes Bikram Vohra for Asian Lite, UK’s No 1 newspaper for British Asians

Some things stink.

restaurantI can live with devastation in Nepal. After all, if Nature gets into a tizzy, what can you do.

If there are wars in Syria, factionism in Iraq, Yemen is in the throes of civil war, so be it. These things happen.

If the Boko Haram wants to kidnap little girls, the Taliban blow up a village and some mentally deranged idiot shoot up a Mall, that’s life. But to make Kanye West and Kim Kardashian wait 30 minutes for a sushi table in Calabasas, California is just not acceptable. The world is going to hell in a basket when this sort of social injustice occurs. No wonder it is front page headlines in the media.

Thirty minutes of hanging about now that is hot mustard. The Mail screams the double header and there are thousands of people who are so upset and unhappy that such gross miscarriage could have occurred.

There have to be some values left in this swiftly deteriorating world of ours and making this couple wait half an hour is one of them. I am sick to the stomach. Five minutes would have been enough on the outside. And even that would have shaken our confidence in civilized mankind. Thirty minutes waiting for Wasabi… come on that is so gross.

And the thing that moved me to tears was that neither Kim nor Kanye lost their tempers and took it in their stride.

I mean, isn’t that so very moving.

You don’t believe it made major news check the website below.

Animal rights activists, anti-racism groups, pro-female sects, fighters for social injustice, volunteers in war zones, rescue teams all over the world, you come second.