Mo Chaudry, British-Asian “Secret Millionaire,” is preparing to row from London to Paris on May 25 to raise funds for charity. The Tower to Tower Rowing Challenge will see the team tackle the gruelling 450 nautical mile open-water row from Tower Bridge in London to the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Branded the “Everest of open-water rowing”, the crew will be battling against the tidal effects of the Thames and the Seine, and conquer a 36 hour channel crossing.

Rags-to-Riches entrepreneur, businessman and philanthropist, Mo Chaudry is getting set for his biggest challenge ever.
He will be joining a team of 24 rowers who will be rowing from London Bridge to the Eiffel Tower to raise funds for Midlands charity, The Donna Louise Children’s Hospice.
The Tower to Tower Rowing Challenge will see the team tackle the gruelling 450 nautical mile open-water row from Tower Bridge in London to the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Branded the “Everest of open-water rowing”, the crew will be battling against the tidal effects of the Thames and the Seine, and conquer a 36 hour channel crossing.

The team wants to use this event to raise awareness of the challenges faced by children with shortened life expectancy and their families including severe sleep deprivation. Many children with life threatening conditions require round-the-clock care and sleep can become a challenge for the parents and carers who look after them.
The Donna Louise Children’s Hospice provides a vital helping hand in the form of respite stays so that families can get the rest they desperately need, safe in the knowledge that their child is well cared for.
Speaking about why he’s signed up for this challenge, Mo said: “I’m a family man, I have children of my own and we’re doing this for a great cause – a hospice for children. It’s the only children’s hospice in our community and I’ve been supporting it since its inception.”
During this challenge, the team will be facing severe fatigue and sleep deprivation in an attempt to raise awareness of how hard it is to function physically, emotionally and psychologically on limited sleep.
Mo said: “We know it’s going to be a struggle, each one of us is going to have our high and our low points on the journey, so we’ll have to work together as a team to make sure we can get over the finish line.”
“It’s an extraordinary challenge, a challenge that not many people have done before and that has captured my imagination. Most importantly, it’s for a good cause.”
Tower to Tower aims to raise £90,000 to support the work of two Children’s Nurses at the Hospice who can provide specialist care and support to life threatened children and their families and ensure they get the vital respite care they need.
Please click the link to donate to the charity –