OVBI to host ‘Yoga beyond Mat ‘ hangout

As a precursor to International Yoga Day on the 21 June 2015, Overseas Volunteer for Better India  EU (UK, Germany and NL), will host its first ever public google hangout with Shri Dinesh Kashikar on the subject “Yoga beyond the mat, to nourish your body mind and spirit for a better well being”, reports Asian Lite, UK’s leading popular newspaper for British Asians.

The hangout will be held on Sunday the 14 June at 17:00-18:00 BST / 18:00-19:00 CEST / 12:00 -13:00 EDT / 9:00:10:00 PDT. To join the hangout one needs to have a google account and then connect with the link http://bit.ly/1QEu2Rn informs Shobha Iyer, Coordinator for OVBI UK.

yoga picShobha informs that Dinesh Kashikar is renowned for his in-depth knowledge in Vedic wisdom and the ancient Yogic practices holds a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering from IIT Mumbai. He is a certified Yoga Alliance teacher, the highest level of teacher accolades in Yoga.  He specializes in Yoga & Vedic Wisdom programs and has also served as the coordinator for the Sri Veda Agama Samskrutha Mahapatahasala, an Art of Living heritage school and is currently a member of the Board of Trustees of the Vedic Dharma Sansthan, spearheading the delivery of Art of Living’s Vedic wisdom programs.

ovbiOVBI which is one of the fastest growing NGOs will host multiple events on the first International Yoga day in over 100 cities across US, Canada and EU on 21st June 2015, adds Shobha. Various communities and people from varied backgrounds such as Social, Political, Educational fields, Indian consulates, Yoga Studios, Chambers of Commerce, Local Media, Health Studios, Congress Men, Senators, and Corporate Heads Government Organizations will come together to celebrate the spirit of Yoga, she informs.

According to Shobha OVBI in Europe ‘is united in vision with the US and Canada to bring the Indian diaspora overseas under one platform to build a better India, that is culturally rooted and economically advanced.’ For NRI’s, OVBI offers a platform for volunteering, events to reconnect with the roots and an opportunity to constructively contribute through time, talent, skills and funding, she concludes.