We gave Modi 8 months to deliver; we received nothing but grand theatrics, swept streets but Modi government showed neither leadership, nor vision for change…writes Sanyia Kirpalani
Congratulations Aam Aadmi, you have won the trust of the capital city of India. A landslide victory of 67 seats (vs.the duck of Congress and the apologetic 2 of BJP) is unprecedented. Now it is time to deliver all the promises that you have made to the people. Remember, we gave Modi 8 months to deliver; we received nothing but grand theatrics, swept streets but Modi government showed neither leadership, nor vision for change. Delhi felt that the forty-nine days of Aam Aadmi in office was far more effective than 8 months of Modism… now that is a huge target for any leader to live up to.
Today, as I watched how Delhi voted I learnt a few very important lessons
– Involve the youth, the future is theirs, a leader can but be a Bow that holds firm as the Arrow of tomorrow strikes through.
– Make every party member count, make every ally is an intrinsic part of a leader’s support system.
– The days of the ‘high command’ is over, democracy is as democracy does – involve and make inclusive
– Deliver more than you promise, my granddad would constantly try and ingrain this in me… now I finally understood.
– Women matter, Delhi’s women suffered the most atrocities. Men don’t abuse women because they are wearing jeans or carrying mobile phone…. only cowards resort to abuse. Delhi’s women did something bold and voted out posturing cowards, a lesson well learnt.
– India is a secular country- its secularism is alive… Delhi refuses to look away whilst their Christian brothers and nuns were being vandalized
– We are indeed the most ‘argumentative people’. Our Freedom of Speech is important. If someone messes with it… India
– Arrogance is passé
– Name calling one’s opponent, is something insecure people do. No real leader is a name-caller (or gotra aka caste caller). Learn to think of oneself as an Indian before caste, creed, community and state.
– One is only a leader when one can make the people around them dream of change the same way she/ he does
– Learn to say sorry, be sorry and show that your sorry when you do something incorrect, people are humane and forgive and move on like India did.