Okay it looked like an urgent mail from someone I know. I opened it and it did not open. Ergo, it was dispatched to my mailing list. It’s a virus. It has blocked my email. I can’t access it. I have driven several friends mad with frustration because some of them might have opened it and are now stuck.

Do you know what it is like not to be able to access your mail. You feel mangled. And angry that friends who have the tech savvy are calling to ask if you sent them this mail and I am not even aware of it.

Naturally my administrator who is always on the ball has decided on this day to disappear and is not answering my Facebook messages of despair.

Who are these cretins who get their jollies wrecking your happiness? Don’t they have a life, something tangible and constructive so they don’t have to hack you.

Do they have wives and children and eat corn flakes for breakfast and have friends, these ghouls, what pleasure can you possibly get from causing people pain.

I am truly sorry to all those folks who got my toxic message and I hope you had more sense than I and did not open it. I am not that smart but what I don’t understand is why do I have a folder called SPAM if spam does not go into it.

If I could get Microsoft to let me know which cretin started this trail I promise you I will hound him for ever.

And the most annoying part is that you look stupid because everyone else is now heap smart and gives you that ‘aren’t you a chump’ look?

You mean you opened it.

Don’t you know better?

How could you?

You have to be careful.

Can’t you recognise spam?