Ferrari Fuels Charity Fundraising

Ferrari cavalcade Rome: charity auction at final event raises 200,000 euro….reports Asian Lite News

Ferrari cavalcade Rome: charity auction at final event raises 200,000 euro
Ferrari cavalcade Rome: charity auction at final event raises 200,000 euro

After four days of exploring Rome and the stunning areas around the city in their Ferraris, the 2015 Cavalcade participants celebrated the conclusion of the event with a gala dinner in the spectacular surroundings of Trajan’s Markets.

The 200 guests not only enjoyed unforgettable views of the Imperial Fora and the National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II but also demonstrated the generosity for which Ferrari clients are renowned in the course of a charity auction.

Ferrari cavalcade Rome: charity auction at final event raises 200,000 euro
Ferrari cavalcade Rome: charity auction at final event raises 200,000 euro

Several pieces of historic Prancing Horse memorabilia went under the hammer at the auction, raising over 200,000 euro which, as Chairman Ferrari Sergio Marchionne told those assembled during his address, will be donated to the City of Rome for the restoration of a heritage site or monument. The auction was, in fact, a gesture of thanks to the city and citizens of Rome for the warm welcome both gave to the Cavalcade and its participants.

Rome’s Mayor Ignazio Marino then expressed his gratitude to Ferrari and its chairman for the initiative and announced that the funds will be spent on converting the two Forward Halls in the lower part of Trajan’s Markets itself into museum areas.

Ferrari cavalcade Rome: charity auction at final event raises 200,000 euro
Ferrari cavalcade Rome: charity auction at final event raises 200,000 euro