Chariot Festival in Manchester

ISKCON Manchester celebrates their Seventh Annual Rathayatra at the beautiful Cathedral Gardens located in the City Centre

Devotees and well-wishers from all over the UK joined to receive the unlimited mercy from Lord Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadra as they took to the streets of Manchester to give their darshan and enliven the lives of the inhabitants of Manchester.
The event was supported by His Holiness Janananda Goswami, His Holiness Dayananda Maharaj and special personalities such as His Grace Tribhangananda Das, Sakhya Ras Prema Das and the well-known Parasurama Das and his associates.
The festival commenced at 12pm with a special inauguration ceremony at 12:45 prior to the Lord Jagannath’s Chariot rolling off at 1pm with hundreds in attendance. Many people stop and joined in the dancing and singing as the colourful procession passed through the busiest streets of Manchester.
Following the return of the Chariot to Cathedral Gardens a wonderful stage show commenced where the attendees had the opportunity to experience a live Kirtan and stage show full of sound and dance. There were stalls providing face painting and henna. Stalls selling books and all forms of spiritual paraphernalia. Unique hot food stalls offering tasty samosa’s and other traditional delicacies and of course a wonderful free Prasadam feast for all.
It was estimated that close to 1000 plates of Prasadam were distributed on the special day, but more importantly the holy names of Krishna were spread throughout the streets of Manchester.