British Imams go digital to stem Daesh

British Imams will provide personal videos to offer spiritual guidance and support to young British Muslims….reports Asian Lite News

British Imams go digital to communicate with the young Muslims
British Imams go digital to communicate with the young Muslims

As millions of British Muslims observing Ramadan – the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, male and female Imams and scholars from across the UK are taking part in a digital campaign titled ‘Ramadan Reminders’ to offer spiritual guidance and support to young Muslims this time of year.

Produced by, an online resource offering advice and education about the Islamic faith through a network of multi-denominational Imams and Mosques, Ramadan Reminders will feature the Imams and scholars in a series of short videos talking about what Ramadan means to them and sharing tips on how to get the most out of the month.

Janab Qari Asim, Senior Imam, Makkah Mosque, Leeds
Janab Qari Asim, Senior Imam, Makkah Mosque, Leeds

Imam Qari Asim MBE, senior editor at, said: “Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic religious calendar. It’s the responsibility of all Imams to do everything they can to reach out to as many young Muslims with the true teaching of the Prophet (pbuh).

“As young people turn to the internet for information regarding just about anything, the web is playing an increasingly influential role in the dissemination of information about religion and faith also. Through and this campaign in particular we are meeting young people in their space to deliver our message of hope and peace, and drown out the vile rhetoric of hate and division.”

The Ramadan Reminders campaign is the latest step by Imams to embrace the digital space and connect with young British Muslims at a time when extremist elements are leveraging the internet to groom and radicalise vulnerable individuals.

In late March over 120 leading Imams and scholars from the UK and Europe gathered in London for the ImamsOnline Digital Summit to discuss the problem of hate preachers and online radicalisation. The summit also saw the launch of Haqiqah, a digital magazine aimed at countering the extremist narrative.

Shaukat Warraich, Chief Editor of, said: “Imams must continue to innovate and use the incredible reach of the internet to speak to young Muslims. Britain is one the best places in the world for Muslims to practice their faith. I hope that these videos are seen by many and the messages and teachings inspire them to reflect on their faith and be true role models this Ramadan.”