Breaking Bad – Manchester Style

What Jamshed Javeed showed was these ‘independent self taught revolutionaries’ are nothing but self centered suicidal narcissists hellbent not only on the annihilation of their own life but also of anybody else’s be that their own family and whoever else they’re in contact with…writes YZ Patel

What the recent imprisonment of Levenshulme’s very own Walter White showed that this chemistry teacher opted to do what he did in the name of misguided religious altruism and the destruction of everyone around him opposed to the intentions of the principal character in Breaking Bad whose step into criminality was the opposite -to secure the future of his family on his passing.

Jamshed Javeed - Chemistry teacher turned jihadist
Jamshed Javeed – Chemistry teacher turned jihadist

What Jamshed Javeed showed was these ‘independent self taught revolutionaries’ are nothing but self centered suicidal narcissists hellbent not only on the annihilation of their own life but also of anybody else’s be that their own family and whoever else they’re in contact with.

Ostensibly Javeed doesn’t fulfil the metrics of the jihadi, the co efficients which not the academics give us but what the media paints them to be. He was well educated and employed in a professional capacity in a respected career. A successful businessman father, he had family support-on the face of it there did not seem much that can be connected to with the usual disaffection and alienation, tales of racism, lack of identity that usually makes people get involved in jihadism.

He was a ‘moderate’ we have been told and then the inaction of the UK government on the situation in Syria was the catalyst for him to get his backpack, Re-find his hidden passport and go on a one man mission to save humanity. The suffering of the innocents was too much and he had to take personal evasive action to stop it.

What this case really exposed is what these ‘jihadis’ are really about. He had already sent his brother and his friend to their demise against the total wishes of his parents and he was here pertaining to be the ‘flag bearer ‘ of true Islamic values yet totally ignoring every basic tenet of the faith he was going to save.

Here in lies the contradiction and duplicity of these ‘true Muslims’. Before we get into the role of mother and father within the religion, we need to forensically examine his role in the radicalisation of his brother and him purporting to his family that he knew absolutely nothing of his plans. This maybe has been omitted or not highlighted on as much as the other facts in this case.

Mohammed Javeed was his younger brother, a student studying mechanical engineering in Liverpool at the John Moores University. He disappeared from the radar in March last year along with his mate who was killed in Iraq shortly after his 20th birthday and another from the  Fallowfield district of Manchester. He was injured and continues to communicate his exploits through social media however nothing has been heard of the younger member of the Javeed clan since and the evidence points to the total complicity of the older Jamshed in this eventuality.

Since ‘Our Walter’ was a man of means and Mohammed and his cronies merely students, he was the chief architect of their ruination. In September of 2013 he transferred £1400 for plane tickets, clothing and other equipment to take with them to Iraq. Not only did he bankroll them but he also dropped them off to the airport a month later waving them goodbye, so he was privy and involved with his brother and his motivations every step of the way.

isis protestsOnce they and his sibling landed in Istanbul and were attempting to make the journey to cross the border they were in constant communication by text as to their progress with him, so Jamshed knew exactly what was going on. However a few days later when his sister got worried about Mohammed and asked him if he knew of his whereabouts he pretended he knew nothing about it despite underwriting it and dropping him off to the airport. He said ‘He messaged me on Twitter…..he’s in Syria…In the message he said he’s been planning it for months…I’m actually surprised he went.’

His sister Naseeba perturbed by these developments asked him what they should do with regards to him being in Syria and whether they should inform the police, Jamshed’s answer was a predictable rebuttal saying it would only make his plight worse, completely hiding his involvement in the predicament his brother was now in-knowing any intervention by the authorities would ultimately lead to him as the dealmaker of all three involved and his detention.

His wife and the family now fathoming something was up and hedging a guess at his collusion in the situation asked him where his passport was. He replied it was in his bag, his wife told him to put it back and to stop being sneaky with her as she was worried despite his protestations of him not being aware about Mohammed, he was in fact thinking of doing the same.

He in reality was a few steps ahead and had by this time already hatched his plan. Nothing mattered what anybody in his family including his wife, sister, mother and father had to say on the issue. He proceeded to continue his own scheme of leaving everybody and joining Mohammed and his cohorts in this ‘ultimate fight’. His family closely monitoring him hid his backpack which contained airline tickets which he had bought, his passport and other equipment he had purchased for the mission at his parents’ attic in Levenshulme.

Despite this setback, Jamshed’s supplies acquisition continued unabated with the aid of one of Mohammed’s co-conspirators who fed him more information of what was needed, and with the rucksack hidden, which included his passport he applied for another forging the signatures of a friend and getting it sent to his place of work thus avoiding detection from his family.

All this while the efforts of now his pregnant wife bearing his second child begging him for the sake of his unborn and daughter not to go. So what was his solution? He went out and took out a loan-yes a interest bearing loan from Barclays Bank for £6200 and transferred a total of £7000 to his wife’s account as a means of provision for her, on his departure.

So lying, forging documents, going against the wishes of your wife, against those that brought you up and taking out a interest bearing loan ( a major sin in the religion), the irony of all that was obviously lost on him, and all this would be negated in his supposed fight for the religion.

As the radicals want to battle everything on a theological level, he predictably overlooked these verses, opting for the usual selective interpretation of the doctrine dispensed to them by the extremists which only meets their narrative.

Service to parents is better than jihad: “A man came to Muhammad (pbuh) and asked permission to go to Jihad. The Prophet asked him, ‘Are your parents alive?’ The man said, ‘Yes’. The Prophet responded, ‘Then strive to serve them.’” (Bukhari and Muslim)

Abu Bakr relates: “Allah may pardon whom He will for his/her sins, except one who was disobedient to parents, for Allah punishes such persons before their death in the world itself.” (Baihaqi)

And therein lies the problem with a computer and what’s on there. This, like many others will continue to encapsulate and crystallise the lack of actual Islamic proficiency of these people who buy into this warped, erroneous version of this ideology. Whether looking for identity, adventure, kinship or brotherhood, a mistaken view that they’re going to make the world a better place whilst ignoring everything about the fundamentals and core of the dogma.

Misconstruing every detail from the outset, before even embarking on this going against everything about the belief, lying, taking interest bearing finance, conspiring in the position of his brother, cheating going against the wishes of his father and mother where paradise lies at her feet, leaving a wife possibly a widow and children without a dad yet all those wrongs can suddenly be righted by a plane ticket.

The family saved him from his nihilism, he lost them their younger son but weren’t prepared to lose him as well. He made them give the ultimate sacrifice to turn in their own to the authorities to extricate him. Their pleas to the judge continued, he was confused and misinformed, he does not know what he has done they claimed.

He will now have the time to reflect and maybe find the true Islam and upon his release he could turn this standpoint around and become a positive role model for the community and do his wife and family justice and realise there are better ways and choosing life is better than the alternative. That will be everybody’s hope.