When you do research into the reasons why Obama is where he is and although Javid panders to the indigenous by simply his innoxious demeanour to race and religion where he proclaims sometimes to be of no faith, sometimes of all faiths being the same…writes YZ Patel

Much has been written about our non practising but most influential British Asian Muslim in the U.K today. Platitudes from his very own gaffer about his potential to become his heir apparent are across all the news pages but what are really the chances of that happening in the UK today?
Having previously written about the lack of ethnic minorities in management positions throughout public and private life and all we ever get told by the natives it’s about their ability to do the job and not anything else. Their vehement denial of a glass ceiling despite all the evidence stating otherwise will have to be somewhat upturned for this eventuality to ever happen.
Research and reading into the life of the Thatcherite son of a bus driver from Rochdale he has a picture of the Iron Lady in his office reveals that his first interview in banking with prestigious English merchant bank Rothschild, All dyed in the wool conservatives ended in him claiming ‘it was obvious I wouldn’t get the job, my face didn’t fit’ and so now he will probably want the votes of the same if he is to get anywhere near Number 10 where the hope is, it now suddenly does .
When you do research into the reasons why Obama is where he is and although Javid panders to the indigenous by simply his innoxious demeanour to race and religion where he proclaims sometimes to be of no faith, sometimes of all faiths being the same, rather like these Bollywood actors never tying his mast to one, frequent mentions of his Bristolian Spouse Laura mother to his four children he is a poster boy for multi culturalism and supporters of integration and immigration and that’s where the argument falls down for our Obama unfortunately.
His governor currently seeing the strides made by con lite UKIP and immigration being the key battleground where the election will be won or lost next May and the sudden changing of policy towards what they see are winning UKIP votes and swaying their very own electorate this does not seem likely to happen as one minute they’re voting to stop immigration and yet a son of a immigrant is quite clearly at the helm of their party. Knowing this any consideration for Javid to get anywhere near the leadership would be if the immigration narrative is well and truly put to bed and this does not seem likely any time soon.
Across the pond the policies put in place such as the Rooney rule in American Football and in education the policy of affirmative action which sees universities and employers imply a form of that rule again means BAME, are given opportunities which they are not here and means the likes of Obama, Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell are able to realise their undoubted potential and is the norm whereas in the UK it would be anything but. There simply does not seem to be the importunity for the establishment for that to happen..plenty of lip service save for some token appointments. Ms Warsi being a case in point.
According to those in the political know our very own Obama would have to see off the current Home Secretary Theresa May, the current Mayor of London and the Chancellor Gideon to have any chance of fulfilling the dream of Abdul Ghani. He has managed to do everything he has despite the odds and it would have to be a very brave man to bet against him that in the near future Prime Minister Javid is not rolling off our tongue.