Payday loans, big finance institutions, pig farmers and anything else peddled but prohibited within the religion are surely next. Not selling much? Pesky Muslims again…writes YZ Patel

Muslim are now the default choice for the ills of everything and anything. Not a day goes by when we are not in the news or being blamed for one thing another. Positive news about Muslims we have to understand does not sell. It does not make headlines. What sells is the continuous demonisation of Muslims whether we are seen to integrate, involved or engage is totally irrelevant.
I do understand the point Lord Hodgson of Astley Abbots is trying to make but the communities we reside in now used to be working class areas where the natives used to inhabit and where the pub was a social hub.
Only a fool would deny that, however when the Muslim migrants were allowed entry back in the 1950s (to do the work they didn’t want to) and subsequently the indigenous population have migrated to other parts ‘white flight’ I believe they call it to the other parts of the county or country so maybe a better business model for pubs would be to relocate to places where you believe your customers are.
This is natural evolution whether it’s economic or otherwise. We don’t have manufacturing, the mills in this country anymore either. They have shifted them to other more economically advantageous places where it is easier for the exploitation of people to occur for the benefit of the masses in most of the western world.
If Hodgson looked closer to home pubs are closing down to the business structure of them. Rent and rates and the fact it is readily available for much cheaper in the majority of the supermarkets. The majority of landlords within tenanted pubs blame their inability to compete due to the restrictive nature of their contract between themselves and the brewery. Nothing really to do with Muslims not drinking.
Payday loans, big finance institutions, pig farmers and anything else peddled but prohibited within the religion are surely next. Not selling much? Pesky Muslims again. Vote UKIP and ban all immigration otherwise it will be shisha, turkey ham and temperance bars at the ready. We won’t have anywhere to drown our sorrows, batter someone on a Friday night, have half the constabulary occupied on a Friday and Saturday night and cost the NHS more billions tending to the aftermath of the brewing industry which it seldom recognises.