Do we care?

Sabina Ahmed
Sabina Ahmed

Sabina Ahmed: I think we need to say it loud and clear, those of us who follow the true spirit of Islam, that it is not right to kill innocent people and put them on the video

                            Do we care?

The shocking news came this week, Alan Henning was executed by the barbaric regime which calls itself  ISIS ,or whatever  they like to call themselves. Islam , which was known as a peaceful religion , has become synonymous with violence.

The world is shocked and dismayed, with the senseless killing of an innocent man ,who was there only to help the children and provide aid.

I have seen the appeals of his wife, and shed a tear or two, wondering  if the captors will feel something, if they will spare the life of this poor man who was there,simply because he felt the children needed help.

Alan Henning
Alan Henning

Charity and altruism is something, which makes this world go round , if none of us felt the need to something for another human being, this world  will be a very sad place. Alan Henning was one of those, who felt that he could bring a bit of happiness to the children of Syria, and paid for his good deed with his life.

Such deeds bring a bad name to the religion and to those who call themselves Muslim, where as the ordinary Muslim all he wants , is to get on with their lives and care for their families.

Incidences like these make the lives of those ordinary ,law abiding citizens, and they are in the majority, who just want to get on with their dy to day lives. The west already thinks that all Muslims are up to no good.

Islam phobia is on the rise, and can we blame anyone else ,but those who call themselves Islamic State and behead innocent people ,despite the pleadings for  mercy?

I think we need to say it loud and clear, those of us who follow the true spirit of Islam, that it is not right to kill innocent people and put them on the video.