Kerala assembly adjourned

Kerala legislators go berserk in the state assembly during the budget session in Thiruvananthapuram on March 13, 2015.
Kerala legislators go berserk in the state assembly during the budget session in Thiruvananthapuram on March 13, 2015.

The Kerala assembly was adjourned sine die, amid a ruckus by Left members, with Leader of Opposition V.S. Achuthanandan demanding action against legislators who, according to him, misbehaved with women legislators on March 13.

Speaker N. Sakthan adjourned the house sine die following disturbances by the opposition.

The session began on Monday after a four-day recess and was scheduled to last till April 9.

Achuthanandan walked into the house with other legislators shouting slogans and carrying banners and placards demanding action against treasury bench legislators who allegedly misbehaved with five women legislators on March 13 when Finance Minister K.M.Mani presented the budget.

When Sakthan took his seat and made announcement to begin the question hour, Achuthanandan said immediate action should be taken against the treasury bench legislators who attacked some women legislators.

“The state budget should be re-presented…We should discuss the budget once it is re-presented. There cannot be one set of rules for the treasury bench and another set for opposition legislators,” said Achuthanandan.

Chief Minister Oommen Chandy said everyone has seen what happened that day (March 13) on the floor of the house and it was shameful.

“Do not expect us to take action against innocent people. We request you, we will sit together and see visuals of that day and decide,” said Chandy.

Chandy said the house was lenient that only five Left legislators were suspended.

“It was not just these five who created ruckus that day (March 13). We limited the disciplinary action against just five. There are 100 cameras in the house and we have not yet come across any wrong doings by our legislators so far,” said Chandy.

The house was adjourned on March 16 for the entire week.