Indian wines at European wine fest

 india wine A selection of Indian wines will be presented at Vino Ljubliana 2014 International Wine Fair in the Slovenian capital, the first time in Central Europe.

Selected award-winner labels from Fratelli Wines and Sula Vineyards, representing the best of Indian terroirs uniqueness, will be represented. To provide visitors a full Indian experience, wines will be offered paired with selected Indian dishes.

Vino Ljubliana is the 50th edition of the International Wine Fair held in Slovenia and will gather producers from this country and abroad and many thousands of visitors, trade operators and consumers. The Indian wines are being showcased by Twiner, European importer wines from the new worlds.

Sula Vineyards was set up in 1999 and a decade later it is India’s largest producer. Sula has expanded to about 1,800 acres under plantation in Nashik, India’s main wine-growing region in the western state of Maharashtra, and in nearby Dindori. Varietals planted include Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Zinfandel and Merlot along with Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier and Riesling.

Fratelli Wines, set up in 2005 in Akluj in Solapur district, about 170 km south of Pune, cover an expanse of about 240 acres across three different sites at Motewadi, Garwad and Nimgaon regions of Maharashtra.

Fratelli’s Indivine wines encompass all major international styles from a dry Chenin Blanc to a late-harvest dessert wine whilst maintaining their distinct characteristics imparted by the Indian terroir.