Britain honours Overseas Born WW1 Victoria Cross Recipients

By Dr Irfan Malik 

On 5th March 2015 at the National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire UK, the British Government paid tribute to the 145 servicemen born overseas who were awarded Victoria Crosses in WW1. The event was held now as Monday March 9th is Commonwealth Day.
145 servicemen born in 19 different countries were awarded the Victoria Cross during the First World War. They are Australia (52), Canada (32), India (17), New Zealand (14), South Africa (5), Pakistan (3), United States of America (4), Denmark (2), Germany (2), Netherlands (2), Nepal (2), Sri Lanka (2) Belgium (1) China (1), Egypt (1), France (1), Iraq (1), Ukraine (1). Memorial stones for all members were displayed at the event.

I was extremely honoured and privileged to be invited to attend the ceremony. I wished to especially remember the VC recipients from the Indian Subcontinent, as this has been my research interest for 6 months.
Prime Minister David Cameron specially arrived at the memorial to address the audience and honour the valiant soldiers from WW1.
He paid tribute to the “remarkable valour and devotion to duty” of the overseas born recipients of Britain’s highest military honour, the Victoria Cross (VC) for service in the First World War.
Speaking at the ceremony where 145 commemorative paving stones were unveiled, the Prime Minister said:
‘Today we write the names of these Victoria Cross winners into the soil of our land. A century may have passed since these extraordinary acts but the courage of these men remains as humbling and inspiring today as it was back then.
It is absolutely right that here in our National Memorial Arboretum where so many acts of courage are commemorated these paving stones should provide a permanent memorial to heroes from 19 different countries around the Commonwealth whose bravery and service won them the Victoria Cross.’
After the speeches there was a 2 minute silence and laying for wreaths.
I would like to use this opportunity to remember all the courage and sacrifices of the 1.2 million South Asian soldiers involved in the First World War.