‘Live life happily and enjoy each moment’

The world renowned spiritual scholar and humanitarian Vishva Sant Brahmrishi Shri Guruvanandji Swami was received with reverence and gratitude by his followers, devotees and others on his debut making visit to Manchester on Friday, June 20th 2014 at the Jain Community Centre.

In his highly inspiring spiritual discourse Gurudev said, ”Patience with family is love, patience with others is respect and Patience with self is confidence.”He emphasised

on the aspect to respect and love one’s better half , saying ,”God has chosen her for you out of 3.6 billion other women on this earth. So disrespecting her would like disrespecting God’s gift to you.” He pointed ot the DANGER in the word ANGER.

Giving insight into meangingful living he said ,”Live life happily and enjoy each moment  to the fullest. Add moments to your life instead of days.”

He also narrated several stories of how ,one has to endure pain in one’s stride and be persistent  to achieve success in life. ”Endurance and patience is key to success in life,” , he stated. Gurudev advised, ”Every person in this world is unique and hence should not try to copy and be like someone else. Rather, they should strive towards respecting themselves for who they are and live a happy and contented life.”

Some of the prominent dignitaries who attended the event include: Prem Chandra Seth & Mrs Kamala Devi Sethi ( Indore , India),  Rakesh Bhargava & Mrs Meenu Bhargava (New York, USA),  Naina Parekh (Tampa Bay, USA), Subodh Agarwal (London),  Keyur Buch (Manchester), Piyush G Mehta (President, Jain Samaj)

among others. Audience included people from different walks of life . House makers were also present on the occasion.

Gurudev’s spiritual journey began in his infancy under miraculous circumstances. Yogiraj Devrah Baba, one of the most esteemed saints of recent times, brought Gurudev to his ashram to save his life from a terminal illness. Devrah Baba predicted that Guruji would achieve the pinnacle of spirituality and he will use that divine energy to serve humanity. Gurudev is believed to be using the enormous divine energy that he has acquired, to help those in distress and to uplift the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. He has travelled to over 172 countries to enrich people with the art of living a moral and spiritual life.

Gurudev has participated in the, ‘’All Religion World Conference’’ , 7 times and has been honoured with ‘’The Best Personality’’ Gold Medal every time, for his service to humanity. Also, The Jyotish Council of Germany honourably awarded him as ‘’Jyotish Marmagya’’ . He has a sterling educational background with a Ph.D. in Jyotish(Astrology), Masters in Sanskrit , Veda (Holy Books), and Vyakaran (Grammar) and has an M.Tech from IIT, India.