Category: World News

  • SPECIAL REPORT: Exam Factories of England

    The National Union of Teachers in Britain said there is unprecedented levels of school-related anxiety, stress and mental health problems among pupils of all age groups and abilities, particularly around test or exam time….reports Asian Lite News Children aged 10 or 11 are said to be “in complete meltdown”, in tears, or feeling sick during…

  • ISIS test Israel by firing rockets

    An ISIS affiliate has claimed responsibility for firing three rockets into Israeli territory. “Three rockets were launched from Sinai Peninsula bordering Israel and Gaza,” The Jerusalem Post quoted an Israeli Defense Force (IDF) source as saying. The IDF source said the affiliate, which calls itself Sinai Province, in a statement posted on Twitter on Friday, confirmed…

  • India stay neutral in UNHRC vote against Israel

    Marking a significant change in stance, India abstained on a United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) resolution condemning Israel over a UN report into the alleged war crimes committed during the 2014 Gaza conflict….reports Asian Lite News. But India stated that “there is no change in New Delhi’s long-standing position on support to the Palestinian…

  • BEN Vintage & Classic Car Rally today

    BEN, the automotive industry will hold its annual Vintage and Classic Car Rally and Summer Fete on Saturday 4th July at Sunningdale….reports Asian Lite News The day will start with a rally tour of classic cars and motor cycles though Windsor Great Park, which will then be available for the public to view from 12.30pm at Broomhall…

  • Toyota develops new test dummies

    The latest version of THUMS adds a muscle modelling feature that can simulate he body attitude of different vehicle occupants, from relaxed to braced, allowing for more detailed computer analysis of the injures collisions can cause….reports Asian Lite News You are in a car and you know you are about to hit something. If you…

  • BBC report on MQM stirs a hornet’s nest

    Sharif orders probe into BBC report accusing India of fundding MQM activities…. reports Asian Lite News   Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday directed the interior ministry to thoroughly investigate claims made in a BBC report about the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) receiving funding from India, and sought an early report. Interior Minister Nisar…


    Hey Sir, Mr. Prime Minister, why can’t this motley crew stand in line like the rest of the people they serve…asks Bikram Vohra. He is commenting on the Babu culture in India Hahaha… it is funny, so funny that if you get into the groove of it, you could have tears of mirth streaming down…

  • Nepal to emulate Gujarat

    The quake-hit Himalayan nation will replicate the Gujarat model for its reconstruction….reports Prashant Sood Nepal is taking a leaf from the Gujarat Disaster Management Authority set up after the 2001 Bhuj earthquake as it recovers from April’s devastating temblors, the Indian ambassador  has said. “They have decided to set up this authority under the prime…

  • EU crisis will linger till Euro exists

    When the idea of a common currency was floated, it was politically impossible to reject. Principles of Economics 101 were abandoned and the Euro was introduced in 1999. This was of course an economic policy blunder …writes Vatsal Srivastava A great economic experiment began in 1951 with the formation of the European Coal and Steel…

  • Modi to address diaspora at Wembley

    London’s Wembley Stadium will host the biggest reception for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his forthcoming visit to Britain….reports Asian Lite News Sources close to the prime minister said Modi will arrive in London during the second week of November prior to attend the G20 leader’s summit in Antalya, Turkey. The prime minster’s schedule includes meeting…

  • Its advantage ‘Yes’ in Greek referendum poll

    A new poll ahead of the bailout referendum to be held in Greece on Sunday indicated a slight advantage to a “Yes” vote, reports Asian Lite News. An estimated 44.8 percent of Greeks said “yes” to the proposals presented by European creditor institutions regarding Greece’s fiscal reform policies, compared with 43.3 percent who rejected them,…

  • Britain pause for a minute

    Britain stood still for a minute’s silence to remember the holidaymakers shot dead by a terrorist while they sunbathed on a Tunisian beach last week. The Queen, who was at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, and Prime Minister David Cameron, who was in his constituency in Oxfordshire, joined millions of people across Britain as Big…

  • France rejects Assange’s asylum plea

    The Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s asylum request has been rejected by France. Prosecutors in Sweden want to question Mr Assange over sex assault allegations. Mr Assange denies the assault claims and has been living at the Ecuadorean embassy in London since 2012. Earlier on Friday, France’s Le Monde newspaper published an open letter Mr Assange…

  • Tribute to London 7/7

    Motion graphic designer Georgina Ferguson released her tribute to the victims of July 7 bombings through animation. Georgina survived the King’s Cross tube blast. She was travelling in the carriage just behind the one blew up.  The video Seven Seven tells the story of kind stranger who advised her to be courageous and don’t let…

  • No intention to surround India with bases: China

    It’s not possible for China to surround India in a ‘string of pearls’ bases as has been stated by some commentators, according to a top PLA naval official writes Hardev Sanotra for Asian Lite. Senior Captain Wei Xiao Dong, chief of staff at the Shanghai Naval Garrison said that there was no reason for India…

  • Universal flu vaccine comes a step closer

    In a major step towards a single flu vaccine that is effective against a broad range of the flu viruses, researchers have identified a strategy to improve existing vaccines against this ever-mutating virus…reports Asian Lite News. It may be possible to harness a previously unknown mechanism within the immune system to create more effective and…

  • Minute’s silence to be held for Tunisia attack victims

    Britain will remember the 38 people – including 30 Britons – killed in the Tunisia beach attack a week ago in a minutes silence. Flags will be flown at half-mast over Whitehall and Buckingham Palace, while play at Wimbledon will be delayed. The Queen and Prime Minister David Cameron will join the silence reports BBC. The…

  • BBC sticks to ‘Islamic State’

    The BBC has refused to stop using the name Islamic State to refer to the Sunni radical group that has been sweeping through Syria and Iraq. The refusal was made by Lord Hall of Birkenhead, BBC’s director general, after a petition submitted by 120 members of parliament called upon the broadcaster to desist from using…

  • US to deepen security ties with India

    By Arun Kumar   Pressing forward with the rebalance to the Asia Pacific region, the US “will deepen our security relationship with India” as part of its new National Military Strategy taking into account erosion of America’s comparative advantage. Looking at the “increasing disorder in the world”, the three-point strategy is pinned on “Deter, deny, and…

  • SMART FORRAIL- Car on track

    Nicknamed the smart ‘forrail’, it might appear like a lightly modified smart forfour but it’s, in fact, a fully certified, mini-train….reports Asian Lite News (NB: smart and Mercedes-Benz do not encourage any individual to carry out similar modifications. It’s incredibly difficult.) The new smart forfour is a pretty effective point-to-point machine. It can drive from…

  • The Rasta Link with Sadhus

    Independent filmmaker Linda Ainouche’s new documentary Dreadlocks Story exploring the link between Hindu tradition and Rasta culture…. reports Asian Lite News Linda, an anthropologist researcher, has lived and travelled extensively within India. She is an expert on Indian culture known for her comprehensive study on Jainism. Dreadlocks Story is the first and only documentary to…

  • Washington Navy Yard under lockdown

    Washington DC’s Navy Yard facility was put under lockdown, following a report about a man with a gun in the facility, CNN reported. Washington DC’s Metropolitan Police Department told CNN they were responding to the incident but there was no further information regarding the exact nature of the man with the gun. According to the…

  • Eight suspects to be charged in Tunisia attack

    Tunisian authorities are to charge  eight suspects arrested in connection with the deadly attack on a Tunisian beach resort, it is understood. The seven men and one woman would face charges over the killings – as Britain’s foreign office said all 30 British victims had now been identified. Tunisia’s government had earlier said 12 suspects…

  • NASA unveils plane to fly on Mars

    The US space agency is planning to send a boomerang-shaped aircraft to Mars first to check if the conditions are ripe for the humans to land on the Red Planet. Proposed to make its first flight to Mars in the 2020s, a prototype of the “Preliminary Research Aerodynamic Design to Land on Mars” (Prandtl-m) will…

  • Consider Syria ISIS strikes: Fallon to MP’s

    The defence secretary is to say that MPs should consider allowing Britain to bomb Islamic State targets in Syria. The RAF has been carrying out strikes in Iraq since September but Michael Fallon will say Parliament should look at the case for missions in Syria too reports BBC. The UK does not need the backing…

  • Many Black churches burnt after Charleston massacre

    In the two weeks after a racially motivated massacre claimed lives of nine African-Americans, at least six predominantly African-American churches in south US had been burnt down….reports Asian Lite News. The latest fire occurred  in the Mount Zion Church in Greeleyville, South Carolina, 20 years after it was set ablaze by the white supremacist group…

  • Republican presidential hopefuls reject US-Cuba accord

    Republican presidential hopefuls for 2016 have unequivocally expressed their opposition to the agreement between the US and Cuba to re-establish bilateral diplomatic relations, broken off in 1961, and re-open embassies in the two capitals. The announcement by the government regarding the new arrangement with Cuba was immediately harshly criticised by the candidates for the Republican…

  • Progress in latest round of n-talks

    Iran and six world powers are making progress in the latest round of talks over Iran’s long-disputed nuclear programme, said top diplomats of the US and Iran here….reports Asian Lite News. “We have some very difficult issues, but we believe we are making progress and we are going to continue to work because of that,”…

  • US releases National Military Strategy

    Chairman of US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey has released the country’s National Military Strategy which provides the blueprint for how the military will use its forces to protect and advance US national and security interests. “This strategy addresses these dynamics and our strategy to ensure that our force remains the best-led, trained…

  • Heartbreak and tears as England Lionesses crash out

    England’s women’s football team were cruelly knocked out of the World Cup at the semi-final stage last night by a freak last-minute own goal. Defending champions Japan snatched a dramatic 2-1 win over England to set up a women’s FIFA World Cup final against the US here. England, who struck the woodwork twice in the…

  • Prince Waleed Pldges $ 23 billion to charity

    Saudi Arabia’s billionaire Prince Al Waleed Bin Talal pledged his entire $32-billion fortune to charitable projects over the coming years. At a press conference in Saudi Capital Riyadh, he said his pledge was modeled on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other philanthropic funds in the United States….reporst Asian Lite News. Alwaleed said his…

  • No one can say I am corrupt: Blatter

    Amidst allegations of corruption and money laundering against FIFA, its president Sepp Blatter  challenged those who claim he is corrupt to prove it…reports Asian Lite News.   The Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI) indicted over nine FIFA officials just before the elections in May, accusing them of serious financial crimes, including money laundering and racketeering,…

  • Hillary leads US presidential race: Poll

    By Arun Kumar  Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton continues to lead all 2016 presidential candidates including those in the crowded Republican field where Indian-American Bobby Jindal languishes at the 13th place, according to a new poll. While the former first lady now holds a slightly slimmer lead among Democrats, former Florida governor Jeb Bush and real…

  • 60 killed in Egyptian attacks

    At least 60 people, including army and police personnel and civilians, were killed in a series of suicide attacks and bombings on several security checkpoints in Egypt’s northern Sinai Peninsula, security officials said….reports Asian Lite News. Islamic State-affiliated Wilayat Sina (Sinai Province) terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attacks, while clashes between security forces and…

  • US, Cuba restore diplomatic relations

    By Arun Kumar In what President Barack Obama called “a historic step forward”, the US and Cuba have re-established diplomatic relations snapped “at the height of the Cold War” 54 years ago….reports Asian Lite News. “When the United States shuttered our embassy in 1961, I don’t think anyone thought it would be more than half…

  • KKK calls for protest in US over flag

    The Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) will protest in Columbia city, capital of the US state of South Carolina, against the removal of the Confederate flag from public buildings. The protest will be held on July 18 at the South Carolina State House to defend white history and culture. “They are…

  • Bibi smuggled in delivery truck for Cancer check

    Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was smuggled into hospital twice during the country’s elections earlier this year for secret cancer checks, it has been claimed. The 65-year-old leader was apparently bundled inside a pita bread delivery truck for one set of tests, then taken in a pet control van for the second, with guards dressed…

  • Ferrari Fuels Charity Fundraising

    Ferrari cavalcade Rome: charity auction at final event raises 200,000 euro….reports Asian Lite News After four days of exploring Rome and the stunning areas around the city in their Ferraris, the 2015 Cavalcade participants celebrated the conclusion of the event with a gala dinner in the spectacular surroundings of Trajan’s Markets. The 200 guests not…

  • Why parents blame others for their fault?

    While trumpeting their own innocence over their children’s association with extremism, Muslim parents simultaneously protest that the authorities did nothing.  If the families really had no knowledge of such activities, why should the police or schools or social services?….writes Manzoor Moghal As the lethal cycle of British involvement in jihadism deepens, so the cries of…

  • US, Cuba to announce reopening of embassies

    The US and Cuba are scheduled to announce the reopening of embassies in Washington and Havana for the first time in over 50 years. “We will formally announce tomorrow (Wednesday) that the US and Cuba have reached an agreement to re-establish formal diplomatic relations and open embassies in each other’s capitals,” a US official said.…

  • Bodies of Tunisia beach victims arriving back in UK

    The bodies of Britons killed in the Tunisia beach massacre will arrive back in the UK  on board RAF C17 transport plane. An RAF plane carrying some of the deceased will land at Brize Norton after the Tunisian authorities released the bodies. The repatriation process is expected to take several days reports Sky News. It…

  • Greece defaults to IMF

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) confirmed  that debt-laden Greece is in arrears after missing a payment of 1.5 billion euros ($1.7 billion)….reports Asian Lite News. Athens had until 6 p.m. Tuesday to make the payment. “I confirm that the SDR 1.2 billion repayment (about 1.5 billion euros) due by Greece to the IMF today has…

  • Hillary’s emails released

    The US State Department has released a new batch of emails from Hillary Clinton while she served as the secretary of state….reports Asian Lite News. The 3,000 pages of emails were made public the State Department’s Freedom of Information Act website. The newly released batch, covering March through December of 2009, was the first batch…

  • India, China to have military hotline

    A military hotline between the armed forces headquarters of India and China is expected to become operational soon, according to defence ministry officials here….reports Asian Lite News. Yang Yujun, spokesman for the ministry of defence, told visiting Indian journalists on Tuesday that direct telephonic links between the general headquarters of the two countries is expected…

  • LILY’s Fund-raising Reception in London

    Charity LILY Against Human Trafficking held a fund-raising reception in London to support the girls of Nepal who are at risk of trafficking…reports Asian Lite News. The reception hosted by Lord Verjee at Thomas Goode W1 was successful in raising £65,000 for Nepal.  Attended by Sharmila Tagore, Mr G.P. Hinduja, Siobhan. McDonagh MP, Baroness Margaret Jay,…

  • Greece – A nation divided

    Greece has missed the deadline for a €1.6bn (£1.1bn) payment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), hours after eurozone ministers refused to extend its bailout….reports Asian Lite News Greece is the first advanced country to fail to repay a loan to the IMF and is now formally in arrears. There are fears that this could…

  • Without God, Is Everything Permitted?

    Vikas Datta reviews British author Julian Baggini’s Without God, is Everything Permitted?  The dilemmas of our lives and times – A way out? Does the study of ethics and morality have any relevance in our contemporary action-oriented, technology-driven materialistic world where philosophy is dismissed as only an academic activity? Yes, it does if we are to make informed,…

  • Remnants of the worst days of China

    The power of the state, and its control over the minds of its citizens in mainland China, has not reduced much in almost three decades, though prosperity has spread wide. The Chinese are afraid to talk to a journalist about what had happened so many years ago….writes Hardev Sanotra from Tiananmen Square, Beijing As India recalled…

  • World News In Pictures

    Asian Lite News compiles a selection of news pictures from world events. Visit for regular updates

  • Greece in panic mode

    The Greek government was preparing a last minute proposal for a debt repayment deal with international creditors to avert a countdown to default which may start on Tuesday evening, media reported. Government sources said solutions were still being sought as the country was heading to a referendum on July 5 over the proposal tabled by…