Category: -Top News

  • Bend It Like Beckham: The Musical

    Bend It Like Beckham: The Musical opened to a packed house at London’s Phoenix Theatre.  Amongst the audience were familiar faces including Omid Djalili, Naughty boy, Madhu and Sulaiman from Signature, Anita Anand, Nihal, Adil Ray, Vanessa Feltz, Graham Norton, Juliet Stevenson, Lily Collins, Indira Verma and Manish Bhasin. Adapted by Gurinder Chadha and Paul Mayeda Berges…

  • Interpol notice to be sought for Lalit Modi soon

    By Brajendra Nath Singh   The NDA government is all set to request Interpol to issue a red-corner notice against former IPL chief Lalit Modi who is wanted for financial irregularities, it was reliably learnt…reporst Asian Lite News. The decision was taken at a meeting on Friday between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Finance Minister Arun…

  • Same-sex couples can now marry across US

    By Arun Kumar   Giving gay rights activists their biggest victory yet, the US Supreme Court ruled Friday that same-sex couples can marry nationwide and states cannot ban such marriages – an issue that divides America and India too….reports Asian Lite News. President Barack Obama, who come out in support of same sex marriage only three…

  • Five Britons killed in Tunisia attack

    At least five Britons were killed in an attack in Tunisia , British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said…reports Asian Lite News. Dozens of people, including foreign tourists, were killed after gunmen opened fire in the Tunisian resort town of Sousse, according to Tunisia’s interior ministry. While 37 people have been confirmed dead in the attack,…

  • Yvette seeks more BAME MPs

    Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said Labour must double the number Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) MPs if the party were to win a majority….reports Asian Lite News The shadow home secretary has also argued that there must also be greater diversity in the police, armed forces and civil service.  She has said that she…

  • How can we stem radicalisation of Muslim youths?

    How we can prevent Muslim youths from turning their backs on British values, rather than choosing a life of radicalisation and extremism….Sajjad Karim MEP explores for Asian Lite News Islam for many people in the UK and even across the western world has become a word associated with the likes of Al-Qaeda or foreign wars…

  • Tessa Fighting For One London

    Labour politician Tessa Jowell released a new video in her campaign to become Labour’s candidate for London Mayor. The three minute video, titled ‘One London’, features Jowell explain her background and connection to the city, as well as raising the issue of poverty in the capital….reports Asian Lite News “I’ve worked here all my life, but…

  • Welsh man held guilty of trying to kill Sikh dentist

    A Wales court has held a man guilty of attempt to murder for attacking a Sikh dentist with a machete at North Wales’ Tesco Mold supermarket in January, a media report said ….reports Asian Lite News. Zack Davies, 26, of Chester Street in Mold, told the court that he never intended to kill Sarandev Bhambra,…

  • Man beheaded in ‘Islamist attack’ in France

    A man was beheaded and at least one other person injured  in a suspected Islamist attack on a gas factory near the French city of Lyon, media reports. According to sources, there were several small explosions, possibly caused by gas canisters, at the Air Products factory in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, BBC reported. A man has been arrested…

  • British Army fails to attract reservists

    Government drive to sign up thousands as army reservists looks ‘unachievable’, a watchdog warned. Under an Armed Forces shake-up, ministers are cutting the strength of the regular Army by 20,000, while doubling the Territorial Army – now called the Army Reserve – to 30,000 by 2020. But the project was last night given a ‘red’…

  • Blackpool refuse permission to Fracking firm

    Unanimous decision by councillors have refused  planning permission for fracking in Lancashire in a move which has been welcomed by environmental campaigners. Lancashire County Council’s development control committee turned down Cuadrilla’s application to explore for shale gas by drilling, hydraulically fracking and testing the flow of gas at Roseacre Wood, Roseacre, between Preston and Blackpool reports…

  • ‘I welcome food banks’: Duncan Smith

    Iain Duncan Smith has defied criticism of his government’s welfare cuts, insisting he ‘welcomes’ food banks in Britain. The Work and Pensions Secretary said the rise in the number of charities handing out food parcels was evidence of ‘decent’ people helping those who have ‘fallen into difficulty’. But the comments reignited claims that benefit cuts were…

  • Burnham considered the contender to lead labour

     The Independent and ORB survey shows that Andy Burnham is the Labour leadership contender most likely to improve the party’s chances at the next general election.   The shadow Health Secretary was cited by 36 per cent when people were asked, irrespective of which  party they would support, to say which  of the four Labour candidates…

  • Met Priyanka, Robert in London: Lalit Modi

    Former IPL chief Lalit Modi has said he bumped into Congress president Sonia Gandhi’s daughter Priyanka and her husband in a London restaurant last year, sparking an attack from the BJP….reports Asian Lite News. “Happy to meet the Gandhi family in London. I had run into Robert (Vadra) and Priyanka separately in a restaurant,” tweeted…

  • EU strikes deal on migrants

    EU states have struck a deal to relocate tens of thousands of migrants who have arrived in Italy and Greece. The deal, made by EU leaders in Brussels, will see member states share the burden of 40,000 migrants who have crossed the Mediterranean. However, there will be no mandatory quotas for countries, and Britain’s opt-out on…

  • Cameron ‘delighted’ over EU renegotiation

    The UK’s membership of the EU is “properly under way” and David Cameron is clearly delighted in the process of “reform and renegotiation”. The PM was speaking in the early hours after formally setting out his aims to EU counterparts in Brussels. He addressed EU leaders for 10 minutes at a summit dominated by the…

  • Obama interviews Sir David Attenborough

    President Barack Obama has interviewed Sir David Attenborough at the White House in an extraordinary meeting of minds. During the meeting, the two men discussed the future of the planet, their passion for nature and what can be done to protect it. Excerpts can be viewed below reports BBC. The interview was recorded in May on…

  • Engineers call for review on cost increase in Network Rail

    Philippa Oldham, Head of Transport at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, said in response to the Network Rail upgrade delays announced…..reports Asian Lite news. “It is disappointing that so much of the vital work needed to upgrade the UK rail network is being delayed. “Passenger numbers continue to rise and we need to address the…

  • Healthcare law ‘here to stay’: Obama

    By Arun Kumar As the US Supreme Court handed President Barack Obama a huge victory by upholding his signature healthcare law that opposition Republicans have tried to repeal countless times, he vowed to make it even better. “Five years ago, after nearly a century of talk, decades of trying, a year of bipartisan debate, we…

  • North-East creating budding tycoons

    Out of 70,000 new businesses set up by unemployed people trying to come off benefits, 13,500 were from the north-east it has emerged. One in five unemployed people who use a Government grant to start their own business are from the north-east of England. The Department for Work and Pensions praised the extraordinary entrepreneurial spirit…

  • Clegg offered to resign before elections

    Nick Clegg had offered to resign as leader of the Liberal Democrats a year before the General Election to save his party from collapse, it was claimed last night. Mr Clegg had been under pressure from his party after a humiliating performance in the local and European elections in May 2014 – in which the…

  • House prices in London racing ahead

    House prices in London increased up to 32 per cent last year – leaving the rest of the country far behind in its wake. Every area of the country where property prices increased by over 20 per cent were in the capital, while areas in the north saw homes fall by almost a quarter in value. The figures,…

  • British Imams go digital to stem Daesh

    British Imams will provide personal videos to offer spiritual guidance and support to young British Muslims….reports Asian Lite News As millions of British Muslims observing Ramadan – the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, male and female Imams and scholars from across the UK are taking part in a digital campaign titled ‘Ramadan Reminders’ to…

  • BBC, PM urged to rename ISIS

    Cross party MPs including Boris Johnson, Keith Vaz call on Government and BBC to rename ISIL/ ISIS as ‘Daesh’….reports Asian Lite News  More than 120 Members of Parliament from across the political spectrum have signed letters calling for the BBC and the Government to stop referring to the terrorist organisation as “the Islamic State”. The…

  • UK visa restriction to hit Indian firms: CII

    British restriction on work visa may disrupt Indian firms, says Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). “There are over 800 Indian companies operating in the UK, contributing to the overall economy and innovation, paying taxes, hiring locally and upskilling local talent. We must not undermine the contributions of Indian companies in the UK,” CII chief  Sumit…

  • Afzal Supports Andy as Labour Leader

    Mr Afzal Khan MEP, former Manchester Mayor and one of the most influential politicians among the Asian communities, has announced his Support for Labour Leadership Candidate Andy Burnham MP….reports Asian Lite News. Mr Khan said Burnham is the candidate who ‘connects’ best with the people. Afzal’s support to Andy will tilt the grass-root level campaign especially in Greater Manchester…

  • 300 Suspects identified in Rotherham sex abuse inquiry

    Detectives investigating “horrendous” child sex abuse in Rotherham has 300 possible suspects identified. The National Crime Agency (NCA) said most of the potential suspects were Asian men and most of the estimated 1,400 victims in the town were white British girls and young women. The 32 officers working on Rotherham’s child sexual exploitation case –…

  • ‘You’re in my house!’ Obama tells heckler

    A Video footage has captured the moment Barack Obama dealt with a heckler during a gay pride event at the White House. The US President was hosting a reception to observe LGBT Pride Month in the East Room when he was repeatedly interrupted by shouting from a member in the audience Reports Sky News. But…

  • Queen speaks for unity in Europe

    The Queen has spoken out on the need for unity in Europe in a speech to German and UK leaders. The UK monarch, who was at a state banquet in Berlin as part of a four-day visit to Germany, said that “division in Europe is dangerous”. Her speech was made in the presence of German Chancellor…

  • Rise in prosecutions for violence against women

    Britain has seen a record number of people been prosecuted for offences categorised as “violence against women and girls”, figures show. A Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) report showed more than 107,000 such prosecutions in the year to April, up 16,000 (18%) on the previous year. The figures are for crimes “primarily” against women, but male victims…

  • Cameron to begin EU talks

    Prime Minister David Cameron is all set for EU renegotiation at a meeting of European leaders in Brussels later. The European Council summit will be the first time the objectives have been collectively discussed by EU leaders. However, with the agenda set to be dominated by the Greek debt and migrant crises, time will be limited…

  • WORLD NEWS N PICS – Dinosaurs in Canada

    Asian Lite News compiles a selection of news pictures from around the world. British Queen Elizabeth II’s visit to Germany tops the news agenda in today’s British papers. Greece Euro crisis is still lingers

  • NEWS N PICS – Summer Fest and MERS Scare in Korea

    Asian Lite News compiles a series of news pictures from around the world. Asian Lite News regularly features pictures from Asian events

  • PHOTO FEATURE: Chasing the Monsoon clouds

    Asian Lite News chasing the Monsoon clouds in India. The rain season begins in Kerala in the first week of June and moving towards to the north. A selection of pictures from Kerala to Kashmir. The month of June is likely to end with 15 to 16 percent surplus rainfall and the northwest region in particular…

  • GALLERY: Honey there is a garden in the car !

    Asian Lite News profiles Dhananjoy Chakraborty. Mr Chakraborty is a eco warrior of emerging Kolkata, thee erstwhile capital of British Raj. A taxi driver by profession, he is in a bid to spread awareness to protect the environment. Instead of preaching, he set an example. He turns his old Ambassador car into a mobile garden. The vehicle has…

  • Britain to train Ukrainian forces

    Britain will step up its program of training for the Ukrainian armed forces, the British ministry of defence (MoD) has said. The move is to build on an existing program of medical, infantry, logistics and tactical intelligence training which has been offered to 650 Ukrainians since March and around 250 personnel will be trained in…

  • Boston bomber sentenced to death

    The US federal judge in Boston formally sentenced 21-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death for his role in the 2013 Boston marathon bombing attacks and the killing of a police officer when on the run, media reported . Before the court judge read out the ruling, Tsarnaev broke a two-year silence apologising to victims for the…

  • British woman with mental illness held captive by Al Qaeda

    A British woman who was captured by Al Qaeda in Syria and held for seven months has been released after the militants found out about her long history of mental illness. The 31-year-old was freed after managing to send a secret Whatsapp message to London based lawyer Tasnime Akunjee, who then spent two weeks negotiating…

  • Ramadan boosts Britain’s big supermarkets sale

    With an uplift of £100million as Muslims prepare ‘iftaar’ Britain’s biggest supermarkets have been boosted with a £100million sales thanks to Ramadan…reports Asian Lite. Three million Muslims in the UK will break their fast with lavish sundown meals during the Islamic holy month which ends with the Eid celebration on July 18 this year. According…

  • Lord Richards warns Muslim extremism threat like Nazis

    Lord Richards of Herstmonceux a former Chief of the Defence Staffsaid extremism is a “real threat” to the world. Lord Richards  condemned politicians and said Britain must stop “sleepwalking” and prepare to tackle Muslim extremism seriously. The situation was is similar to the Nazi threat during the Second World War, Lord Richards warned while speaking…

  • UK students groomed to smuggle illegal immigrants

    French officials reveal that 100 Britons were jailed in last year, as students were targeted by gangs to smuggle people into UK. People traffickers are grooming debt-ridden Britons to smuggle illegal migrants from Calais in a growing new tactic. Students, bar owners and shopkeepers who face financial problems are being targeted by gang masters to…

  • Cameron may redfine child poverty target

    David Cameron has started work on changing the definition child poverty …reports Asian Lite As new figures are set to show the first increase in the number of poor children in poor households in a decade, the Tory government is likely to change the definition of child poverty target. The Tory Government in its Manifesto…

  • Britain develop breath test to detect stomach cancer

    British researchers have developed a breath test that can detect oesophageal and gastric (stomach) cancer in minutes with 90 percent accuracy….reports Asian Lite News. The test has produced encouraging results in a clinical study of 210 patients, and will now be tested in a larger trial involving three hospitals in London. Oesophageal and gastric malignancies…

  • British teen is the new Spider-Man

    Tom Holland, a 19-year-old from Kingston-upon-Thames, has been chosen to play Peter Parker in a new Spider-Man movie, which is set for release in 2017. Best known for playing the lead character in the West End version of Billy Elliot, he recently appeared in the popular UK TV series Wolf Hall. Tom Rothman, Sony Motion…

  • Chaos at Calais

    Border security is being strengthened  in northern France and Dover after migrants desperate to reach the UK tried to exploit ferry strike action. Hundreds of migrants at the French port of Calais tried to board delayed vehicles heading to the UK. Speaking to BBC,Immigration minister James Brokenshire said the situation was “hugely regrettable”. The government is to…

  • Queen to move out of Buckingham Palace

    The maintenance work costing £150m to be carried out will see the Queen moving out of Buckingham Palace till the renovation is complete. It is one option being considered by the royal household, which says the palace needs new plumbing and wiring and has not been decorated since 1952. It comes as the Crown Estate,…

  • Bobby Jindal set to join White House race

    Louisiana governor Piyush “Bobby”Jindal is widely expected to launch a bid for the Republican presidential nomination, becoming the first Indian-American and 13th Republican to join the 2016 White House race….reports Asian Lite News. By Arun Kumar “If I decide to announce on June 24th that I will seek the Republican nomination for President, my candidacy…

  • Hajj pilgrims urged to check health advice

    Muslims planning to travel to Saudi Arabia for the annual Hajj pilgrimage have been urged to check the latest health advice before booking trips….reports Asian Lite News.   The pilgrimage to Mecca is expected to fall between September 21-26 and traditionally many people begin making travel plans during the holy month of Ramadan. Public Health…

  • Slimming consultant bags gold award

    Rahema, who runs the Bordesley Green Slimming World group every week, has been awarded ‘Gold’ status by the national slimming club….reports Asian Lite News A weight loss expert from Birmingham has struck gold for the exceptional work she does in helping more than 100 people to lose weight at her local group every week. Rahema,…

  • Irish village commemorates 1985 Air India bombing

    A memorial service was held in the Irish village of Ahakista in County Cork  to honour the Air India Flight 182 crash victims who died when a bomb exploded on board off the Irish coast 30 years ago. Family members of the 329 passengers and crew, who lost their lives in the 1985 crash, gathered…