Amit Kainth, UK’s highly successful young entrepreneur comes with a bang with his new book ‘The Gift – Seven Laws to Success’. In this book, he talks about the ‘Gift’ which shows us a long term strategy to achieve lasting happiness, success and most importantly – peace….writes Anjana Parikh
AL: You’ve seen both success and failure at a very young age? You have gone through a bitter financial pinch. Didn’t you feel like surrendering to the situation?

Amit: In 2009 I was wiped of the board and was officially declared bankrupt and in the same year my son was born. I remember speaking to wife at that point I had two options. I could either go and work for a recruitment agency and if I was lucky may have got a basic salary of around £18K with some sort of bonus or I could go back into business. I remember at the time, the office was still available and the bailiffs left a couple of PC’s and telephone behind. I decided at that point I would go back into the office and try again. With my wife’s support, we began the journey again from scratch. Yes it was tough building in a business in the recession but it was the belief and family support that kept me going.
AL: What is the Gift – 7 Laws of Success
Amit: No matter what background you come from, or what you belief is or where you were born, we all have one common power, some call it soul, some call it consensus, some call divine; I call it the Gift.
The gift is something you can measure on how much you use, and these are physical laws which are tangible that if you use will lead you to success, peace and happiness. If you just apply 30% of the Gift into your life you will see results in 6 months.
AL: Why did you choose to write this book?
Amit: When I came of hospital I wanted answers, I wanted to know who gave me the wealth in the first place, who took the wealth away from me, who made me bankrupt, who put me in hospital, who saved my life. I wanted and demanded answers. I then began to read spiritual scriptures and found that there are some common laws. I put these laws in to practice and found I made ten time the wealth in the third of the time it took before by implementing the Gift. I then put pen to paper and one of the publishers snapped it up and a year later they bring it to the market.
AL: Why should readers pick up the Gift – seven laws of Success?
Amit: I did not want to make a lengthy book, so the Gift is designed so it can be read within a weekend. I wanted to make it short but factual. This is a book that can be measured and you can physically see how much of the Gift you are implementing and as you gradually increase the 7 laws you will see the results overtime. The reason why I say over time because what is happening to you today at this moment of time in your life is actions you have sewn previously. So by implementing the gift today, you will see the rewards over the next coming months.
AL: Did you take any help or writing courses before starting the book?
Amit: I took no courses but whilst in deep meditation I would get the answers on what the Gift should look like. So you could say that the content of this book came from the higher source.
AL: When did the thought of writing the book come to you?
Amit: After implementing these laws into my life and seeing it working I then wanted to share this formula with the rest of the world. Which brings me onto the next project – The Amit Kainth – Get closer to the truth. This will be aired shortly on Star plus and FAB TV around March.
AL: Is this your first book?
Amit: This is my first book and my second one is coming out later this year, The Gift – Great planes above.
AL: How long did it take?
Amit: It took me over 18 months to write the book and then the publishers took around 12 months to get it to the finished product.
AL: So how can one say that books on positive thinking can change our lives?
Amit: The book will help you re-programme your mind to think more positively. The Gift is a formula who can implement into your daily life in order for you to get to your true heights and more importantly, your soul destination. By implementing the laws into your life you will start to see results. They say the proof is in the pudding, buy the book, read it, and implement it and see where it takes you.
AL: How should one apply them into our daily lives?
Amit: You can make room for anything in your life if you believe in it. All I am saying is implement just 30% and see where you go. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain!
AL: Lastly, what are the five most important tips you would like to give to an aspiring write?
Amit: Decide what you want to achieve by writing a book, then find the inspiration by networking and travelling; outline the skeleton of the book – the chapters. Then, on a daily basis try and put pen to paper and aim to write just a few lines. Don’t think in your head that you want to write a book because the thought of that can be daunting. Just write your thoughts on a daily basis on that particular chapter. Then you will find over the year you will have written pages and before you know it is has become a book.
You also need determination focus and commitment to succeed.