` Satyug Mera Gold Plan`

Bollywood actor Shilpa Shetty Kundra and her husband Raj Kundra announced a new Gold Plan named ‘Satyug Mera Gold Plan’ by Satyug Gold, a jewelry company promoted by them, in Mumbai recently.

The plan allows customers to accumulate physical gold through the benefit of ‘Monthly rupee average pricing’.

Speaking on the occasion, Shilpa said her foremost aim through this plan is to make gold affordable for everyone in the country.

“My aim with Satyug Gold and Satyug mera gold plan specifically is truly to be able to make gold affordable to the consumers. I want somebody who earns 50 Rs a day in Kodaikanal to be able to buy gold for the wedding of his daughter and that’s truly from where we all come from. It’s taken a lot of hard work. I am really happy to be sitting here and make this announcement; I really hope it is appreciated. Thank you so much to all our partners who have come on board.”

The plan enables customers to buy gold from just Rs.50 per day and is backed by IDBI Trusteeship as trustees of the gold and Brinks.

It has no lock-in period, no storage charges, no hidden fees and it provides 24 karat gold coins on redemption.

Satyug at present has seven retail outlets, and plans to increase this number to 50 nation-wide by the end of the current fiscal.