Hasina begins Japan Visit

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina recalled with deep gratitude Japan’s unequivocal support to Bangladesh’s War of Liberation, saying that it had given the freedom-loving people a great strength and inspiration during their heroic struggle, reports BSS. “Indeed, you have been our friend in need and have carved out a permanent niche in our hearts for your unflinching support and contribution to our great War of Liberation ,” she said. The Prime Minister made the remarks in an emotion-charged voice during a meeting with the “Friends of and former Ambassadors to Bangladesh” at Akasaka Palace here this afternoon.
She said it is a matter of great pride and honor for her to be among them. “It reminds me of you and your families’ invaluable contribution that gave us strength and inspiration during our heroic struggle for independence in 1971,” she said. 
Sheikh Hasina said it also reminds her of their tireless efforts in mobilizing public opinion in Japan that persuaded their government to be among the first countries to accord recognition to Bangladesh as an independent nation. 
“To express our people’s gratitude for your selfless and passionate support at a time when Bangladesh desperately needed, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman ensured that Japan should be one of the first countries for him to visit.”
“His historic visit in 1973 paved the way for cementing the best of relationship between our two countries. Your contribution during our nation’s independence movement can never be repaid,” she said. She said during her immediate past tenure as the Prime Minister, the government has endeavored to recognize the Japanese heroes with the country’s highest state awards.