‘Pak still runs terror camps in POK’

Chairman of the National Equality Party JKGBL, Sajjad Raja exposed the human rights violations imposed by Pakistan in the Pakistan occupied Kashmir. The activist’s voice stuttered while appealing before the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to stop Pakistan from treating the PoK residents like animals.

Prof Sajjad Raja, while making an intervention during the 45th Session of the UNHRC in Geneva said that the POK election Act 2020 has taken away all constitutional, civil and political rights of the citizens of the POK region.

“We the people of Pakistan occupied Jammu Kashmir plead this august council to stop Pakistan from treating us like animals. The Azad Kashmir elections Act 2020 has taken away all of political, civil and constitutional, rights. Our activities opposing accession to Pakistan have been declared anti-state in flagrant violations of United Nations Resolutions,” said Raja, He further said, “We are treated as traitors in our own home simply for defending it. By declaring our political activities illegal, this act gives the Pakistan Army a free hand to assassinate our people through targeted killings and enforce disappearances.”

Raja said that Pakistan is “brainwashing” the young minds on both sides of the border in Jammu and Kashmir, thus, “making them cannon fodder in the proxy war with India.” He also submitted before the council that Pak continues to run terror camps in the area.

Speaking on the recent claim of Pakistan on Gilgit Baltistan, Raja said, “Pakistan is now trying to declare disputed territory of Gilgit Baltistan as its province, thus, depriving our people of their land and their identity and culture. Pakistan’s revisionist moves would throw the whole world into a brutal war.”

He concluded the statement by expressing the hope that the grievance of the people be heard and begging the peace loving world to help them break away the chains.