Saudi to build largest desalination plant

Abdullah_of_Saudi_ArabiaSaudi Arabia’s Saline Water Conversion Corporation announced plans for what would be the world’s largest desalination plant using a technique called reverse osmosis, in Rabigh on the country’s west coast.The plant would be able to produce up to 600,000 meters cubed of desalinated water per day.

An international water summit closed in Singapore with agreements on 14.5 billion Singapore dollars (US$11.6 billion) of projects, tenders, and other investments, organizers said.

The agreements at Singapore International Water Week included the opening by Beijing Enterprises Water Group of its international headquarters in Singapore, handling an estimated 2 billion Singapore dollars of investments outside China.
Local authorities in Indonesia, Laos, Philippines and Vietnam announced over 1.6 billion dollars’ worth of investment projects, according to a conference press release.

The conference brought together over 20,000 participants from 118 countries and regions involved in the fast-growing global water industry, covering services such as water treatment, desalination and recycling.