GCSEs result anxiety makes teenager end life


anxietyA teenager struggling to control his anxiety ahead of his GCSEs jumped 10m (30ft) to his death from a motorway bridge, an inquest heard.

Mohammed Abdul Razzak, 16, was an intelligent, hard-working boy who was expected to do well in his exams.

But in the weeks leading up to his death he missed a mock exam and told his GP that he had planned to commit suicide six times in the past reports Metro.

He spent a week in hospital where he was assessed by psychiatrists, who ruled he was fit to return home when he insisted he had no intention of acting on his suicidal thoughts.

But in January, Mohammed – who dreamed of becoming a computer software engineer – jumped from a bridge above the M60 near Oldham, Greater Manchester, while his family thought he was tucked up in bed.

He was found on a slip road at 2am by police and taken to hospital but died a short time later. Just before he fell, he sent a text message to a friend saying he intended to harm himself, the inquest heard.

His mother and teachers said the Year 11 pupil had given them no cause for concern until he started his final year at Oldham North Academy.

His mother, Lufta Begum, who sobbed throughout the hearing at Rochdale coroner’s court, said he had become withdrawn and would spend hours on his laptop.

He had disappeared from home on two previous occasions but seemed happy after going on a family holiday to Bangladesh weeks before his death, she said.

Recording a verdict of suicide, coroner Lisa Hashmi said: ‘Regrettably, what I cannot say is why he did what he did.’