DAILY DOES by Bikram Vohra

Eating with hand - IndiaOur fascination with food reaches unchallenged heights when it comes to ‘enjoying’ other people’s hospitality. They call you for dinner, you scarf down a solid meal then you spend the ride back home breaking apart each dish and the knocking the caterer or the home-cooked meal or the dessert and you don’t feel the least bit ungrateful about it.

The chicken was leathery.

What a cheapie place to cater from, I thought they had a bit of style.

The starters should have never started.

I didn’t touch anything, it was so greasy, the food, terrible stuff.

One more Chinese catered dinner and I’ll scream.

Did you feel the fish was a bit off, I took one bite and left it (you hero, you).

Why can’t they have good glasses, I hate those ‘bathroom’ glasses?

The service was awful.

Chips were soggy, the tempura had no prawns in it, nothing for veggies, I didn’t look at the Italian.

Well ,good for you, now can you just be quiet.

If it didn’t suit your finely tuned taste buds go home and make a sandwich but shut up already whining about a free meal.

It has become such a habit we don’t even realise we are doing it, like it is normal now to critique the event. It is someone’s home, they have done their best, next time, don’t go but get over this food hang up.
And stop nodding wisely as if you are an exception, I don’t think there are any exceptions not even those terribly rude people who say,”Oh,I am smart, I ate before coming, I am smart.”
No ,you are not. Mere good manners would indicate that if you did eat before at least have the courtesy not to mention it.