An ardent social worker

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He’s either Mr Sinha or Uncle Sinha to those who know him. A true social worker, Mr Ashit Sinha doesn’t get tired working for the community at large.
“Being a member of the society, you should cultivate the habit to serve it in whatever capacity you can. No differences should crop-up between the various communities else you’ll end up being an isolated person,” said the septuagenarian.
Sinha who came to the UK in the early 1970s’ was working with Red Fusion TV as a journalist in Patna, Bihar.
“I had no job when I came to this country. I used to apply in every possible department. Being a journalist, I wrote for some English newspapers but they neither paid me nor did they offered me a job; they didn’t even acknowledge my effort,” said Sinha who later worked as the community relation officer for Greater Manchester.
Further, he said: “By working for the social committee, I even got an opportunity to work for a project which dealt with the settlement of the Ugandan-born community.”
“Earlier, I was very active and used to work so hard that it took a toll on my health for which I had to go for an open heart surgery not once but twice,” said the ex-chairman of the Bengali Association of Manchester.
A well-connected Sinha who also worked closely with the Greater Manchester Police (GMP) was also involved in the smooth functioning of the first Asian Battered House-wife Home in England.
Also a music-lover and an active member of Geeta Bhawan, Manchester, Sinha says, “People should learn music in whatever form they can; it makes a lot of difference in life.”