It’s official – Syrians want Assad!

Syria’s incumbent President Bashar al-Assad has won a third seven-year term in office in the presidential elections that took place Tuesday, the Syrian parliament announced on Wednesday. A parliament speaker said that 1,319,723 people voted for Assad, which made about 88.7 percent of the votes.

Syria AssaOn Tuesday, Egypt’s Sissi wins the elctions bt securing about 97% votes!

Earlier on Wednesday, Syria’s Supreme Constitutional Court said that 11,634,412 out of 15,845,575 eligible voters participated in the presidential elections — placing the turnout rate at 73.42 percent.

The general election started at 7 a.m. Tuesday and was scheduled to end at 7 p.m. But the Supreme Judicial Committee, which was tasked with overseeing the electoral process, later announced to extend the voting for another five hours until midnight citing a “huge turnout”.

It is the first multi-candidate presidential election in Syria’s modern history, which has been dismissed by the exiled opposition and their Western backers as “farce.”