Israel expand homes in West Bank

MIDEAST-NABLUS-PALESTINIAN-KILLEDIsrael published tenders for 450 new settlement units in West Bank’s Jewish settlements.

The tenders include 102 housing units in Kyriat Arba, a stronghold of radical right-wing settlers; 78 units in Alfei Menashe, one of the largest settlement cities; 114 units in the settlement of Adam; and 156 in Elkana, Xinhua news agency reported.

“Another tender was for a hotel in the settlement city of Ma’ale Adumim, and a few other tenders were for trade and offices,” Israeli settlements watchdog Peace Now said in a statement.

“In addition, a plan for the construction of 93 housing units in southern Gilo was deposited for public review in East Jerusalem,” it added.

Hagit Ofran, settlement watch director for Peace Now, said the government had approved the new construction in the past but issued the tenders only now, less than two months before the general election in March.

“It is a pre-election grab to establish facts on the ground made by the Netanyahu government,” said Ofran.

Israel seized West Bank in 1967 and has controlled it ever since.

The settlements are illegal under international law.

Several rounds of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians reached a deadlock over the Israeli construction in the settlements.