Cameron urges voters to back his plans

British Prime Minister David Cameron used his New Year message to urge voters to stick to his economic plan in the 2015 general elections.

Focusing on the economic agenda, Cameron’s New Year video message was recorded against the backdrop of a factory workshop, with the prime minister speaking in front of a team of workers busying themselves on an assembly line, Xinhua reported.

“Britain has a choice: Between the competence that has got us this far, or the chaos of giving it up, going backwards and taking huge risks,” Cameron told British voters.

He urged Britons “to stick to the plan, stay on course to prosperity, and keep doing the important, long-term work of securing a better future.”

Warning that the global economy remained uncertain, the Conservative Party leader reminded British voters that his government’s long-term economic plan was “working” and Britain was “being turned around”.

In the message, he listed a variety of economic achievements under his administration, including new jobs, new tax cuts, better education for children and government-supported housing scheme for home-buyers.

“The world is looking at Britain in a new way, with our economy growing faster than any other major developed nation,” he said.

He stressed that none of the accomplishments “happened out of thin air” and attributed them to “a long-term plan with some clear values at its heart”.

“Ours must be a country where if you put in, you will get out. Where if you want to work, there are decent jobs. Where if you put the hours in, you keep more of your own money,” the politician noted.

“2015 can promise to be a great year for our country — if we make the right choices together. And for now, I’d like to wish you, your family and your friends a very Happy New Year,” the prime minister concluded in his message.

Britain is scheduled to hold its next general elections in May, 2015.