Jobs In Oz For Young Brits


International Work Experience Programme Launched early 2014: YOUNG Brits have the opportunity of a lifetime to undertake a month-long work placement in South Australia thanks to the launch of “Mentor Me”.

Backed by the Government of South Australia, the South Australian Tourism Commission and STA Travel, the world’s largest student and youth travel company, and endorsed by Karren Brady CBE, “Mentor Me” offers the chance to undertake a month-long international work placement at eight prestigious companies.

Bill Muirhead AM, the Agent General for South Australia said: “This is an opportunity for young Brits to pursue their dream job in Australia working in some of the most beautiful places in the world such as Kangaroo Island, the Eyre Peninsula and Adelaide. There’s a reason why Lonely Planet named it one of the top 10 places to visit in 2014 saying ‘Adelaide is effortlessly chic – and like a perfectly cellared red, it’s ready to be uncorked and sampled.’”

Whilst the outlook is improving, the British employment market remains a tough one for the under 24s and many are looking outside the UK for opportunities. More than 70 per cent of respondents to an online survey by STA Travel cited overseas work experience as being “important” or “very important” to a CV.

In 2013, STA Travel saw sales of the Australian Working Holiday Visa soar by more than 30 per cent against 2012 figures as young people looked for alternative means of bolstering their CV and work experience.

STA Travel UK managing director Glen Mintrim said: “Gaining quality meaningful work experience is crucial to today’s employment market. There is huge competition for every job vacancy and so having something like a month-long placement in Australia on your CV will really help you stand out from the crowd.”

Karren Brady said: “Ensuring young people have positive experiences in the workplace is vital to their future. If I was under 30 I’d grab this opportunity with both hands. It’s an irresistible combination – working in a dynamic sector and being mentored at the highest level in sunny South Australia!”