RSS pats Modi Govt

RSS cadres Saffron BrigadeThe Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat  patted the government headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying in the past six months it “is moving in the right direction”.

In his customary Dussehra rally at the RSS headquarters here, Bhagwat said: “It is only six months but positive signs are already emanating.”

Continuing the tradition of the annual Vijaya Dashmi celebrations since 1925, which has entered the 90th year, Bhagwat said: “It (the central government) is moving in the right direction, but we will have to give them time… with a sense of hope and faith. Nobody has a magic wand by which all problems of many years will disappear.”

He said a few months ago, the people brought about a drastic change in the government.

“It appears that the peoples’ desire of a life, security and to progress will soon start reflecting in the governance. Fortunately, we can see today a set of leadership which appears keen to give practical shape to the values… for the welfare of the nation.

“Some policy initiatives by the centre on the fronts of economy, national security, international relations and other areas have raised good hopes… They should now ensure these maintain momentum in a determined and systematic manner,” Bhagwat said.

Top RSS functioneries like Manmohan Vaidya, Jagadish Prasad, Rashtra Sevika Samiti (women’s wing) chief V. Shanta Kumari, Pramila Tai attended the victory rally preceded by a demonstration at the Reshimbagh Maidan here.

Bhagwat took the occasion to congratulate Indian scientists for the successful Mars Orbiter Mission and the athletes who brought pride by winning medals in the ongoing Asian Games in South Korea.