EC to reform education through digitalisation

It is a call to action to make education and training systems truly fit for the digital age…Reports Asian Lite News

The European Commission has adopted the new Digital Education Action Plan, reflecting lessons learned from the coronavirus crisis and devising a plan for a high-performing digital education eco-system, according to an official statement.

In the statement, the Commission said that the plan proposes a set of initiatives for high-quality, inclusive and accessible digital education in Europe.

It is a call to action to make education and training systems truly fit for the digital age.

“The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has put distance learning at the centre of education practices.

“This has shed light on the pressing need to improve digital education, as a key strategic objective for high-quality teaching and learning in the digital age,” the statement said.

The Action Plan has two long-term strategic priorities: First, fostering the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem and second, enhancing digital competences for the digital transformation.

“Education and training have faced huge disruption due to Covid-19 and a quick shift to distance and online learning. The mass use of technology has revealed gaps and exposed weaknesses,” the statement quoted Executive Vice President for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age, Margrethe Vestager as saying.

“This is also an opportunity to reset education and training for the digital age. Ninety-five of respondents to the public consultation on the Digital Education Action Plan see the crisis as a turning point for the way technology is used in education and training.

“This is a momentum to shape and modernise education for the digital age,” she added.

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